Friday, February 13, 2004 - Working solution: "THE SAME administration that's atwitter over programs to promote responsible fatherhood and healthy marriage among the poor turns a cold shoulder to the neediest working moms and their children.
It apparently hasn't occurred to some lawmakers that improving child care and temporary assistance programs also helps foster the kind of stability that sustains families.
Marriage has many acknowledged benefits, but America won't conquer poverty by marrying off the poor. What will make a difference is equipping any who are ambitious and eligible for help with the tools and resources to advance to gainful employment - one of the goals of successful welfare reform programs.
Yet President Bush's latest budget request adds no new money for family assistance grants or child care. And for going on two years now, Congress has been too bogged down in politics to renew legislation supporting the nation's welfare reforms. After multiple extensions, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program now is extended in its current form until March 31. "

I love the Baltimore Sun. When you've had a belly-full of right wingnut sanctimony, remind them how their lie actualy works.

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